LongRifles, Inc.

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OTHER: DBM, Inletting, cheek hardware, etc. "Custom does not come in a box." It is our firm belief that a rifle should look as good "under the hood" as it does on target hundreds of yards away. The level of effort we invest into every rifle stock has earned us recognition by some as the "absolute best available." Our stocks are not "skin bedded" nor slaves to mass produced factory inlets. Every "full build" begins with a virgin stock blank. LRI computer models every single barreled action inlet to the individual rifle stock chosen by the client. The model is then 3D surface machined into the stock with calculated clearance built in for a uniform and concentric film layer of bedding material between the action and stock. The result is sterling performance mirrored by exceptional fit and finish. Our strategy includes maximizing the surface contact between the rifle stock and the receiver while also making it easy for the end user to take the rifle apart for maintenance. Our resin formula uses a very high percentage of solids. Solids help make the casting tolerant to the compressive and torsional forces created every time a rifle is fired. The resin system also has a very high resistance to prolonged chemical exposure making it durable when solvents creep between the action and stock. "No rock unturned" is our philosophy. It became readily apparent early on that we could never deliver the level of presentation we were after with conventional bedding pillar designs. So, we make our own. LRI bedding pillars are made from food/beverage industry grade stainless steel. It offers superior corrosion tolerance, improved adhesion to the resin, and the unique rib design supports the receiver while also providing almost total captivation by the bedding material. The square head ensures the pillar will never break loose and rotate in the stock. Guard screws never make physical contact with the pillar. When completed, the levels of fit and finish are remarkable. It costs more to do it this way, it's certainly more work, but the end results speaks for itself.

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